Wednesday 6 February 2013

Vanished by Danielle Steel

Written by Lydrielyn Koh

This novel talks mainly about a woman who in her young age has made huge mistakes and trying her hard to forget the past and live her present life normally. However, past is a part of life and it is almost impossible to separate the past and the present life as who you are in the past will affect who you are today. The same goes to her. The past that she had been hiding all these times are starting to reveal themselves one by one. I wanted to tell you more but there will be no element of suspense if I tell you everything about the story. Plus, a book review isn't all about synopsis. ^^,

I'd rate this novel 3 out of 5 stars. The plot is okay but it is too predictable. I have not even reached the middle part of the story but I can already predict who is 'the one' who did all the chaos. The plot is like normal story that we can see in a movie or can be read in a novel. Nothing really exciting, nothing extra-ordinary, just a normal novel. I don't know is it me or is it just the boring and predictable plot. Ahahaha

One thing I like about this novel is that, the words used in the novel is simple and pretty easy to understand. My vocabulary in English is not that wide, thus novel with bombastic words aren't really my type. It makes me tired of reading if I don't know most of the words in a particular novel, which then leads to lost of interest in reading. That is why I like this novel as I was able to understand what the author is trying to say rather easily without having to check my dictionary every 2 minutes. :D

So that's about it. Happy reading guys! ^.^

Dineesha's Dream

Written by Dineesha Kannapathy

I open my eyes.  I look around and I realize that I am in an attic made of bricks. It was wide and the room is quite dark and you can only glimpse figures in the room. When I search the room, there are no furniture at all and all I saw are two babies in a cradle, two metres in front of me. “Babies”, someone said beside me. It was Farah. Farah? Why is she here? Why am I HERE? Leaving the questions unanswered, I go nearer to the babies. I stop a metre from them as I saw a figure coming from the stairs at the end of the attic. He seems familiar. That shape, that round face, that bubbly body. Looks like YOP. In his hands, he’s holding a bottle of mineral water and hmm… a bottle of cooking oil. what the?.. As he moves, he grins and glares at both of us. It was awkward… “Yop? Hang nak buat apa tu?”. He ignored me. As he moves to the direction of the babies, he uncapped the bottle of cooking oil and pours it on the babies. I gasp and stunned by his stupid action. Without giving me a chance to speak, he then poured the mineral water onto the first baby. To my surprise, suddenly… the babies melted as if Yop had poured acid on them. Seeing how the babies slowly melt… it made me sick and I run to the stairs and sat alone at the steps, covering my face. Fear of those images I saw. The weirdest thing is that, Farah, ran crying beside me. That’s not the weird part. The weird part is that she brought her DSLR camera and shows me all those babies’ pictures in the process of melting…  Here I’m thinking and raised one of my eyebrow at her.. showing her Farah-seriously-what-the-hell face.
All of a sudden, our KU, Nita ran up the stairs and watch us crying. He then turned to see Yop face to face but not moving from his position. Fear? Maybe. But in a matter of second, Nita speed down the stairs like his life depends on it. Huh? What are you doing, Nita?. After few seconds I saw Yop raced down the stairs and chase Nita. He is VERY FAST! I mean it.. it’s like the scene in Kungfu Hustle… where the women chase Stephen chow on the road.. except in this situation, it’s not road but it’s a long corridor. Me and Farah looked at each other, both confused. We follow through the corridor until we found another stairs leading up and down. We decided to go up. And then another weird thing happens. Near the door,… Yop is kicking a guy’s face!!! At first I thought its Nita, but that guy is quite short… and tiny. Then, Yop kicked his face to our direction and that guy turns out to be DIN!!!! Oh my god! Yop kicked him so hard that his nose erm.. kemek on the impact. WHY IS YOP DOING THIS?!! That’s what I wanted to ask him but my fear wins over and I am running for my life!
While I was running down the stairs, I stopped on the next floor. Resting and observing my surrounding. My heart skips a beat when I saw someone running towards me from the other end of the corridor… What now? Narrowing my eyes, I focus on that stranger,..hmm… strangerS. With a sigh of relief, that stranger was actually MIRA! and a… dwarf?? yeah.. a dwarf. He looks familiar although I don’t dare to say his name. I was smiling like hell and waving at her aggressively. I am ready to hug her as I put my hand to the front. My smile turns upside down as she run past me and left my hands hanging on the air. Krik, krik, krik… I really heard that sound… really. “yeah… fine! CHOOSE THE HOBBIT!!”. Although she left, I still feel safe as Far..a..h.. SHE’S GONE! Blasted… Fine. I can look after myself. All of a sudden, at the end of the corridor, I noticed a lot of people came running to me. They are my classmates! Thank heavens. “Guys!!!”. “It’s me!!”… Once again I’ve been ignored. Why the hell they ran so fast? As my eye catches another movement, came from the same place, I now know why. Yop, holding minyak masak and mineral water.. chasing them. Some are not fast enough and die as Yop pour those mixtures onto them. Eugene, bel, dette, lala, nana, zati, wie. Shit… I couldn’t do anything to help them.  I’ll miss you guys. And I ran again to the stairs.

All of a sudden, I’ve been teleported into different room… It looks similar to my mothers’ bedroom; where there are only one bed, a closet at the end of the room and a dressing table.  The only survivors of Yop’s crazy killer rampage are me, farah, min and mirul. We lock ourselves inside the room and said nothing. I decided to break the silence as I tried to open the door. The door is quite special. When u re-opens it, it will lead you to different place everytime. Magic. I tried peeking outside the door. Nothing. I closed it back again. After 5 to 10 minutes, I open the door again. My heart stop for 1 year. I saw Yop standing directly outside the door looking down at my face. CRAP! I close the door hastily. Cursing every word that I know. Another weird thing is that, suddenly there is a small hole like the size of a fifty cent coin, near the knob of the door. I gather my courage… I wonder I have any, and peek at the hole. HE IS STILL THERE! standing still. I stand straight and think. hmm… maybe he doesn’t know we’re here. Then I decided to steal another peek. As my vision move to the hole… I saw an eye… looking inside the room.. looking at me! OH MY GOD! YOP! STOP IT! ITS CREEPY! Damn. He NOW knows we are inside. Well, I did lock the room. So, he cannot enter. hahahaha, serve you right. Another bizarre thing happens when I least expected it. Yop managed to open the door easily and straight dash towards azmin. He strangled azmin on the neck using his hands on my mom’s bed! My mom is going to kill me if she finds out her bed sheet a mess. Wait a minute. I’m worrying about bed sheet more than azmin’s life! What the $%^& is wrong with me! I don’t know what to do! I ran towards azmin and tried kicking and punching Yop to release him. Yop doesn’t seem to budge. As I gather my superpower, I punch Yop on his belly and he roll over to the other side of bed. Azmin took my hands and help me escape from the room. As I glance over the bedroom, I see Yop is killing Mirul.  Oh no. Only farah, me and azmin is left.
As we ran further away, we stop at a long corridor. Great, another scary-hunted-japanese-type-corridor. My mind distracted by azmin as he suddenly,…. (censored)….   
That is the most embarrassing moment of my life. As reality drags me back from my fantasy, I glimpse a person behind azmin. Oh come on... Its yop; the killer-never-tired-ever-and-likes-to-run man. All of a sudden, I’m thinking that I’m tired of running, I will fight you. I discovered that I am holding a bottle of cooking oil and a mineral water. I don’t know how it got there but bring it on bebey. Azmin told me that he is willing to be the sacrifice in order to distract Yop from me. He is so chivalrous. He is amazing. As azmin holds Yop, I take the chance and pour the cooking oil on Yop. I thought he might be afraid and nervous now. But he is not. He is laughing. Stupid Yop. You’re gonna die. Admit that! He said, “Hang nak masak aku? Meh, meh kalau berani”. Okay, when people challenge you, surely you will accept to protect your pride. I don’t have pride so I choose to run. COME ON. ITS YOP. THE PSYCHOPATH! “Arghh”… azmin yelled as he’s struggling against Yop. I have to save him. I uncapped the water bottle and observe the fight carefully as I only got only one chance. Just then, Azmin toss Yop over and I know that’s my cue. I quickly pour the water on Yop, hopping to KILL! Yes, I’m a murderer! However… One second, two, 5 minutes had passed. Nothing happens. Why? I’ve been running like hell. Trying to save myself from this maniac. But now, when I bravely confronted him, NOTHING happens!!!  Yop stands up and say, “Boo” while holding 3 bottles of cooking oil and 3 bottles of mineral water. The horror woke me up. Woke me up? It was all a dream! Thank god. Thank god. Thank god. I love my classmates, everyone one of them. Except YOP!!! How could you!! Trying to kill me in my dream! T_T. I’ll never forget this dream. Yeah yop, NEVER!

Monday 4 February 2013


This ‘orange book’ written by Mark Haddon is all about curiosity of two boys; Jimbo and Charlie that want to know either their teachers are an alien or not. It all started when Jimbo’s sister; Betty prank her brother by saying that Jimbo might be transferred to another school because of his misbehave and his bad performance in the classroom. The innocent Jimbo seems to believe her sister and he voice out his weary to Charlie; his best buddy. As a friend, Charlie felt responsible to help Jimbo to figure out the truth of what Betty had said. However, they got a new hot secret about between their art teacher; Mr. Kidd and Mrs. Pearce; the history teacher. From here, their investigation started and their journeys become more challenging.  Jimbo bravery had proven when he giving all his effort in rescuing his best buddy; Charlie from the alien. Luckily, they safe and they manage to prove to Betty that they are not lying at all.

~i'm not good but i want to be better~

#reader of the day~

fighting~ :)
owned by fabulousrebel - yours truly dette.0