Monday 4 February 2013


This ‘orange book’ written by Mark Haddon is all about curiosity of two boys; Jimbo and Charlie that want to know either their teachers are an alien or not. It all started when Jimbo’s sister; Betty prank her brother by saying that Jimbo might be transferred to another school because of his misbehave and his bad performance in the classroom. The innocent Jimbo seems to believe her sister and he voice out his weary to Charlie; his best buddy. As a friend, Charlie felt responsible to help Jimbo to figure out the truth of what Betty had said. However, they got a new hot secret about between their art teacher; Mr. Kidd and Mrs. Pearce; the history teacher. From here, their investigation started and their journeys become more challenging.  Jimbo bravery had proven when he giving all his effort in rescuing his best buddy; Charlie from the alien. Luckily, they safe and they manage to prove to Betty that they are not lying at all.

~i'm not good but i want to be better~

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